Wajambewa.............mage manee Tissa Viduhal


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70TH Birth Day

The 70th Birth Day will be celebrated with Hon. Minister Susil Prem Jayantha on 06th of November at the school premises. Wimal weerawansa will participated the occasion.

Annual Get Together

This year Annual Get Together will be held at  Sun View Beach resort Pohaddaramulla Wadduwa on 26th of  November from 10 am..


Annual General Meeting

AGM will be held on 3rd of Sep. 2006 at school main auditorium at 9.00 a.m. Invitation letters has been posted to all members. It is complementary to bring your invitation letter as a pass to enter the school for security reason. Otherwise you have to prove your credentials.

Current office barriers are due to resigned and new office barriers for year 2006-2006 will be elected.

Download 2005-2006 Activities here (pdf)


PPA has orgernized a protest demanding to upgrade our school to National school level. Tissa central college is a pioneer school in kalutara with vast facilities. But unfortunately Tissa did not upgraded to national level due pressure of narrow minded politicians.Photos>>







Prize Giving '05
After 12 year we organized the prize giving. Hon. Susil PremJayanth and Wimal Weerawansa participated for this event. We have stabilised a fund to organize this event annually. read the article. Photos>>

Children Drama Festival
Veteran children drama producer Hemasiri Fernando's two Children dramas staged at Kalutara town hall to established the fund to enhance the school children capabilities. Mr. Hemasiri is an active Past Pupil of our college and he contributed total income to start the Fund.Photos.>>

Annual Get Together
This is the 2005 annual get together held at Sun View Beach resort Wadduwa. Photos>>

“Your school needs YOU”


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